Streaming Video & Webcasting In A Post 9/11 EconomyFor many businesses, the events of 9-11 and the recession
that was already unfolding have dramatically impacted sales and profits. Many companies
have already learned that now is not the time to be cutting sales and advertising
expenditures as part of a move to wait out the economic recovery. Aggressive new thinking
is required in all sales channels.
Almost every business has videos that can be
used on their web sites to:
- leverage brand equity
- increase sales
- reduce travel costs
- or enhance corporate communications.
If you already have video presentations that you
send to your prospects, customers, or sales force, now is the time to deploy them on your
web site. Adding streaming video to your web site, or webcasting as it is sometimes
called, can help you achieve the sales results or cost savings that you anticipated when
you first launched your web presence. Your sales presentation can be communicated
immediately while your prospects are already at your site and ready to buy your product or
service. If you already understand that marketing in a post-9/11 economy is going to be
far more demanding than most companies experienced during the go-go days of the 90's, we
invite you to learn more about how you can leverage your current investment in your
existing video assets. The cost of deploying existing videos is minimal and the return on
investment is extremely compelling.
Although this video has been designed as a
spoof, it is yet another example of how streaming video would look and sound on your own
site. We've prepared this video in three formats - Real Video, Windows Media and
QuickTime. If you don't already have any of these players, please bookmark our
site before you leave to download the free software.